What to do in Yavi, La Quiaca & Villazón

Border crossing La Quiaca-Villazón

La Quiaca-Ushuaia Sign in La Quiaca, Jujuy, Argentina

This border crossing between Argentina and Bolivia is located at the end of national route 9. Commercial activity is here well accelerated during the day and, at night, when the border closes, it is reassured to the point that we do not hear a single noise. It can be reached by car or in any of the bus services.

To make purchases of different industrial products and handcrafts of all kinds at very good prices, we recommend to visit this place very early in the morning because there are less people and then one can take better advantage of the day to visit nearby places such as Yavi, Misa Rumi, Casira, Santa Catalina, Laguna de Pozuelos, among others.

Villazón Border City in the sourth of Bolivia

It is convenient to know in advantage that sanitary and hygienic conditions are not the best. Therefore we recommend taking this situation as part of a different cultural experience.


Church of Yavi in the Puna Region, Jujuy, Argentina

The village of Yavi is located in the north of the province of Jujuy, 15 km from the border town of La Quiaca. It is a small picturesque village between mountains. The monotony of the color of the earth, which is the same throughout the landscape and in the buildings of the place, overwhelms the particular sensation of immensity (or its opposite, the smallness). Yavi is also a town with a lot of historical content. In this place once lived the Marquis of Yavi and Tojo, a title for the ruler of the region of the viceroyalty of Peru. There is an interesting museum where one can learn the magnificent history of the behavior of a man who was revealed against the Spanish crown.

One can make a nice trek to the village of Yavi Chico, just 3 km away. Here you can visit the small school, the plantations and you can also walk to the river, where you can see some cave paintings.

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