
Pucará de Tilcara: the ancient arqueological ruins
The Pucará of Tilcara is one of the most important pre-Hispanic settlements of the Quebrada de Humahuaca . Located strategically in the area where the main creek and the Huasamayo and Huichaira creeks meet, this site allows the four accesses to the Puna region and the Valles region to be dominated. Today it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the province of Jujuy. These pre-Inca ruins are located in the village of Tilcara , just 1.5 km from its main square.
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Northern flavors
Due to its different climates and reliefs, each corner of the country has its own unique gastronomy. Northern dishes have a strong influence of ancient Andean cultures. Pre-Hispanic heritage is noticeable in all respects, especially in food.
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Tips for your Trip to the Argentinian North
If you are planning to visit northern Argentina, and do not know when to go or what to bring, these recommendations can help you plan your trip. The best time to go is in autumn and spring, especially in the months of May, June, November and December. In these months, the climate during the day is very pleasant and at night it cools down a bit, so you usually sleep well. In addition, accommodation and travel agencies usually offer promotions in these months.
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7 places you must visit if you are in Jujuy
Regardless from the holidays you choose there are some places in each destination that are unmissable. Jujuy, land of mountains and colors, is not far behind and offers tourists different attractions that you can not miss.
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Carnival in Tilcara
Tilcara's Carnival is a celebration that dates back more than 500 years. It is carried out in different towns of the Quebrada de Humahuaca, being that of Tilcara the most important due to the influx of musicians, troupes and people from different places and countries that come to celebrate, decontract and liberate their spirit. Even for just a few days, the excuse of the carnival serves to connect with the passions, let the wishes flow and why not have a few more drinks.
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Northern music
A sound that resembles the wind, the vibration of some strings and a constant percussion. It is the music of the north, which has a very strong identity and its origin in the mixture of the customs of the pre-Columbian peoples with elements of the Spanish conquest.
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Pachamama or Mother Earth, is part of the Andean belief in some countries of South America. Here the custom was born from the pre-Inca era, where its ancient settlers conceived the Pachamama as the protective and life-giving divinity.
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"Enero Tilcareño": preparing to the Carnival
Enero Tilcareño, the pre-carnival. For 60 years this traditional festival has called locals and people from all over the country. It is a cultural event that brings together artists from different fields throughout the Quebrada de Humahuaca and especially those from Tilcara.
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Hallowmas: Celebrating The After Life
November, 1st: Hallowmas Day
The celebration of the day of all the saints results from the cultural and religious syncretism that occurred at the arrival of the Spaniards to the American continent. And although the tradition changes in each Latin American country, in Argentina, particularly in the north of the country, the holiday reflects tones of those payments and is a day of great importance.
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Poetic Ravin
To walk dreaming of stars and love and poetry in La Quebrada ...
Do we divide the sky?
Look, from Cerro Negro to Rio Grande it is mine.
Everything about you is yours.
You think? do you agree?
Or do you prefer that we divide it from south to north?
For example: from where you can see the Perchel Narrow
towards Huancar de Abra Pampa is yours,
Leave me all the blue sky from the Painter's Palette
up to 7 colors of Purmamarca.
Or, if you want, we can divide it according to the passing of the hours ...
the night with its moon and its tablecloth of stars for me ..
We owe you all the sun and the deep blue of the afternoon.
For me it is the sunset over Cerro Cono.
For you, the dawn coloring Huichaira ...
If you want, as we divide the river:
Rio Grande, to the south, as far away, Going to the horizon,
all yours ... Huasamayo, calm river, forgotten but eternal, all mine ...

Pilgrimage to the Virgin of Sixilera
To understand the pilgrimage to the Virgin of Sixilera we have to know the history. Legend has it that the watersheds of the rivers that irrigated the orchards of the inhabitants of the Quebrada had begun to dry up. Fearing that these droughts would deplete food production, and in the face of sixile-Sikuris despair in the face of this situation, locals, Catholics, gathered together and went out with the image of the virgin to cross the slopes of the mountain tops and valleys of the This brittle. After several days of walking and having already traveled all the slopes, slowly, but uninterruptedly the precious water flowed from the earth. Since then, a place was chosen to build a sanctuary for the Virgin of Sixilera and every year, on September 21, she goes up to thank her for her action.
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A mural, mirror of my people
Noisy, picturesque and magical, the Municipal Market of Tilcara, opens its doors to tilcareñ1os and strangers. Placed between the boxes of vegetables and fruits, delicious, fresh and healthy, the Cholas are camouflaged preparing the Api and the Buñuelos for the Quebradeño breakfast.
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Ricardo Vilca, his music and his people
Tukuta Gordillo defined it as "the finest and most enlightened of us all, who understood that music was another element of nature and that is why he played the music of the sapphires, the hackers, the Andean, the deep sound of the man standing in the middle of everything and nothingness that is the Puna."
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Pilgrimage to Sixilera: notebook
Like many who travel the Quebrada de Humahuaca, this place fell in love with me and I decided to live here. Whenever I came to visit, I was able to do it during the summer, meet people, rocks, and many places and trails that I still discover every day.
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Sikuris Land
The Bands of Sikuris, of pre-Columbian origin, were incorporated by the Spaniards to religious celebrations as a form of worship. It is one of the examples of the fusion between both cultures as a result of the conquest, as is the Carnival, where the traditions of the people intermingle with motives of the Catholic religion.
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TripAdvisor Travelers Choice Award 2017
And the Winner is ... ANTIGUA TILCARA
Once again the prestigious traveler review site, TripAdvisor awards us with the "TRAVELERS 'CHOICE TM 2017" award.
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Flower and Folklore Festival: Dancing among flowers
6 years ago, the Flower and Folklore Festival was born in the famous flower town of Maimará, located in the province of Jujuy, just 6 km from Tilcara, also belonging to the imposing Quebrada de Humahuaca.
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Champions Guesthouse
Home of Champions? So they say ... Will the energy of the streets of Tilcara surrounded by hills? Is it the full sun, the small town calm, the minerals in the water? Is it the force of this northern wind that pushes everything? Or will it be rather a combination of all things with the intense training of the participants and athletes of this sporting event?
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Garganta del diablo in Tilcara: great mystery
The "Garganta del Diablo" is one of the best kept treasures of Tilcara. For quite some time it stopped being a secret to become one of the favorite and most visited attractions of the Quebrada de Humahuaca. Thousands of tourists visit it daily and contemplate
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Typical foods: "la Humita"
Present in almost all the geography of the Andes Mountains its flavor is, was and will be the very representation of Pachamama (Mother Earth) in our kitchen.
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Winners! Booking Guest Review Awards 2016
We are proud to have been awarded once again, as in the last 4 years, for the prestigious site. On this occasion we obtained the GUEST REVIEW AWARDS 2016 award. This prize is the one awarded by you, dear guests! We thank you for your trust and the time you spent telling your anecdotes, your impressions and your experiences at the Antigua Tilcara Hotel & Hostel. They help us to grow, they accompany us on this path and, above all, they teach us to improve ourselves day by day.

About Us
The team of the Hotel & Hostel Antigua Tilcara is made up of enterprising friends and life partners. We are a group of people who, with each new traveler who visits us, cultivate new experiences and enriching stories and try to learn from them. Our goal is to improve ourselves in the ancient art of hospitality. That is why we seek to take care of our guests as if they were our own family.
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