Breakfast at the Antigua Tilcara Hotel in Jujuy

Champions Guesthouse

Home of Champions? So they say ... Will the energy of the streets of Tilcara surrounded by hills? Is it the full sun, the small town calm, the minerals in the water? Is it the force of this northern wind that pushes everything? Or will it be rather a combination of all things with the intense training of the participants and athletes of this sporting event?

Dora Arce, 3rd place of the marathon 'Meeting the Pachamama' Dora Arce, 3rd. Market Stall

Will there be any magic, not yet deciphered, some spell? We do not know or dare to launch a theory, but as Jorge confessed and Dora reaffirmed. The Hotel Antigua Tilcara is the place where the champions rest, and the breakfast overlooking the hills seems to be a good complement to the training.

Eco Athletes, as in recent years, made the Marathon "Conociendo a la Pachamama" (Knowing the Pachamama) in Tilcara. And once again, as on other occasions, Antigua Tilcara made a podium with those who placed their trust in our attention.

We congratulate Jorge del Río for having crowned with first place in the 142 km category. and Dora Arce for having obtained with great effort the third place in the 15 km.

Jorge, holding his medal and 1st place plate of the Marathon ;Knowing La Pachamama' Jorge, 1st. Market Stall

Thank you for choosing us ... Antigua Tilcara, your home among the hills ... The home where the champions rest!