Hallowmas: Celebrating The After Life
November, 1st: Hallowmas Day
The celebration of the day of all the saints results from the cultural and religious syncretism that occurred at the arrival of the Spaniards to the American continent. And although the tradition changes in each Latin American country, in Argentina, particularly in the north of the country, the holiday reflects tones of those payments and is a day of great importance.
On the first of November an altar rises to commemorate the deceased. It is filled with favorite dishes and drinks that the debtor liked most. Carefully accommodates food, candles, photographs and belongings of the deceased.
Usually the offering is assembled at home and the soul of the deceased is expected to return to the world to taste all the food that has been prepared for him, in the company of his relatives.
Homemade breads are prepared in the form of ladders, crosses, llamas, angels and children, which are only prepared at this time of year and are very rich. Among the main dishes are locros, roasts, cayote dumplings, rosquettes, wine, tamales, humitas.
The altar can be decorated with colorful flowers (violet and black) for adults or white for children.
The family awaits the return of the deceased, sitting near the altar and celebrating the ritual for three consecutive years. Symbolizing each one, a different stage in the duel: in the first year the consternation and respect reigns, keeping alive the memory of the deceased. In the second there is a warmer atmosphere and the meeting becomes more enjoyable and fun with allusive stories. In the third and last year the office of the soul is made where the soul is dismissed and the duel ends in an original and calm way.
The next day, on November 2nd., the celebration continues with the day of souls.
The streets of Jujuy become mystical and silent. Cemeteries and streets are decorated with flowers and candles at nightfall. A tradition to keep and share.